This post will explain how Olivia opened her first checking account. She did everything right and is now using that account to start down her road to financial independence.

This post will explain how Olivia opened her first checking account. She did everything right and is now using that account to start down her road to financial independence.
The skill of managing our money is a frequent victim of this philosophy. When most are young they don’t like to “waste” time learning about money; there are too many fun things to do. But you need to start educating yourself on personal finance topics NOW. Not in 5 years. Not in 10 years. NOW.
Financial Independence = the point at which one’s passive income plus sustainable asset withdrawal is greater than their living expenses indicating that the individual no longer has to work for money.
Freak (n): a person who has withdrawn from normal behavior and activities to pursue one interest or obsession One who is markedly exceptional or extraordinary SheeksFreak (n): A young person obsessed with making intelligent financial decisions to allow themselves to reach early financial independence and live their best life SheeksFreaks learn and think about the… Read more »