It has been six months since I started this project, and it’s incredible to see how much this community has grown in that amount of time. We have recently hit a few milestones which is very exciting. But, before we look at the milestones and glance into the future, I want to reiterate the main mission of SheeksFreaks.
SheeksFreaks Mission Statement:
To provide free and freaky money advice to inspire 15 to 25-year-olds to live their best lives.
Along with this website, I started an Instagram page (@SheeksFreaks) to supplement and highlight the blog posts. As expected with launching any new undertaking, both the blog site and Instagram account have had their peaks and valleys, but after half a year of sustained effort and attention, it’s safe to say that both platforms are strong, growing, and have bright futures.
I dedicated this post of the SheeksFreaks blog, Post 20, for pausing and reflecting on where we’ve been and where we’re going. I anticipate the next few months here at SheeksFreaks to be filled with exciting, interesting, and new content that I am excited to share with you. Before we get to the future goals and hopes, let’s take a look at the road we’ve traveled thus far.
How Far We’ve Come:
So far in the blog, we have tackled topics such as: (link to all of these)
- What is a SheeksFreak?
- What is Financial Independence?
- What are society’s rules that we should break?
- What is passive income?
- How can you retire before your parents?
- Understanding assets
- Frugality
- Checking accounts
- Tracking your expenses
- Savings accounts, and
- Credit cards
The Instagram account, on the other hand, is dedicated to shorter snippets of motivating and inspirational content to get you young people revved up about the benefits of taking control of your financial lives early on. Additionally, the SheeksFreaks IG account is used to emphasize important pieces of information discussed in the blog.
The Latest:
Currently, 25 viewers per day hit the blog which is higher than I anticipated for an early-stage site. I post one article per week which is promoted by a young influencer’s video on the same topic. This initial system has worked well in getting the word out about early financial independence.
Throughout this experience, I have learned more than I could have imagined about writing and creating articles that are intellectually interesting and visually stimulating. I now have more knowledge and awareness than ever before about external links, backlinks, tags, keywords, embedding videos, and SEO optimization. This project has proven that the best way to learn about building a successful blog is to dive right in and try it.
The SheeksFreaks Instagram has seen some pretty explosive growth for such a young account. Currently, there are just over 10,000 followers who are willing and eager to know more about acquiring money skills that they can take forward into the rest of their lives. Since Instagram is one of the more popular social media platforms, I post regularly in hopes of reaching more young people who will join the SheeksFreaks family via “the gram”.

Eye to the Future:
There are several upcoming topics to be discussed in future blog posts. You can find a list here. If there are other topics you would like covered, please share them with me. You can send an email to
The Instagram site will continue to grow as the word about financial independence for young people spreads.
In addition, the following undertakings are in the works:
- A revamp of the website to include member profiles, subject categories, groups and links to YouTube videos
- A YouTube channel with videos of young people who are actually using the strategies to achieve early financial freedom
- A Facebook page for collaboration and networking
- An e-book about financial independence basics specifically for young people
- Bi-weekly emails updating FREAKS on new happenings
- And more!
All of this will, of course, be 100% FREE.
So stay tuned and stay connected all you FREAKS! Together we can make smart money decisions and live out our best lives!
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